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Two pianos

Year composed:




Commissioned by:

The Australian Music Centre and the Sydney Conservatorium for the Viney-Grinberg Piano Duo, as part of the MOMENTUM III - Sue W COVID-19 Special Commissions. These commissions were generously sponsored by Mrs Sue Willgoss and Associate Professor Richard Willgoss.


25 March 2021.

GlimpseViney-Grinberg Duo
00:00 / 05:24

Program Note:

Glimpse takes inspiration from a scene described in Zadie Smith’s collection of
essays, Intimations. In Smith's musings, written during the early months of the COVID-19 lockdown, she recounts time spent observing a tulip amid a relentless cityscape. On reflection, she describes this moment as a glimpse or preview of the sudden slowing of the pace of life during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Glimpse reflects this transition from motion to stillness, with the slower pace revealing thoughts and ideas that were always present, but previously concealed beneath the constant activity.

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